Schools Support Project: Eid al-Adha donation Bukarikope near Akuse

by | Jul 20, 2021 | SSP

Schools Support Project: Eid al-Adha donation Bukarikope near Akuse

We spent the day at Bukarikope near Akuse.

We even exceeded our target for the day so we went back for more to make sure we serve our very single child who came from far & near.

Today’s outreach was a bit stressful but I’m happy we made it with you support. Let me say a big thanks to Rise Roots Foundation for their continuous support towards this mission.


We can’t do all but the dream is to see our Brothers and Sisters in the remote areas like this one get all the needed support for their education.

Again, we are using this space to appeal to friends, family, organizations to come join us push Mother Ghana forward through charity.

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Schools Support Project (SSP) –


Clean Water Initiative  by under the  Schools Support Project is an intervention to provide deprived and remote villages with CLEAN WATER for all domestic activities including drinking.

The  Schools Support Project has taken us to some of the interesting but not comfortable villages that do not have a good source of Clean water. These villages normally really on seasonal streams and dams they share with animals🐄.

These unsafe ways of living has resulted in many health challenges associated with drinking water from unhealthy sources as mentioned above.

To manage the situation, we have these plans in place to;

  1. Serve households  in these villages with gallons of water twice every week.
  2. Supply every household with filter buckets.
  3. Drill a standard borehole for each village
  4. Organize Clean water workshops in these villages and schools on ways to keep their water clean at all times.

The first phase of the CLEAN WATER INITIATIVE will serve villages like Gborkope, Kpokpornu, Anthonykope, Fulanikope,Avlime in the North Tongu district of the Volta region in Ghana. We are hoping to serve not less than 100 villages before the end of 2030.

We are however using this opportunity inviting all potential partners to join us embark on this humanitarian journey to save lives.

Connect with us on Facebook: Schools Support Project. Twitter & Instagram:@SSPGhana
