Hit Refresh: 6 Essential Moves Every Indie Musician Must Make After Dropping a New Track.

by | Feb 23, 2024 | Music Tech

1. Promote Across Platforms: Spread the word about your new release on social media, streaming platforms, and your website to maximize exposure.

2. Engage with Fans: Interact with your audience by responding to comments, hosting live streams, and creating behind-the-scenes content to deepen connections.

3. Reach Out to Press: Pitch your song to music blogs, magazines, and online publications to secure reviews, interviews, and features that can boost visibility.

4. Collaborate and Network: Seek collaboration opportunities with other musicians, producers, and influencers to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.

5. Monitor Performance: Track metrics on streaming platforms, social media insights, and website analytics to gauge how your release is performing and adjust your promotion strategy accordingly.

6. Plan Your Next Move: Start brainstorming ideas for your next release and lay the groundwork for future projects to keep momentum going and maintain engagement with your audience

