Kwame Dadzie Talks about Ghana’s 60th Anniversary in His Poem ‘Ghana, 60 Years Torn’

by | Mar 4, 2017 | News

Arts and entertainment personality, Kwame Dadzie has released a poem ahead of Ghana’s 60th anniversary dubbed Ghana, 60 Years On which starts on 6th March, 2017.

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Kwame Dadzie

The poem titled Ghana, 60 Years Torn talks about how elusive Ghana’s independence has been since 1957. According to the arts writer, his objective of putting together the poem is not to ridicule Ghana’s state of being but to reflect the reality of the state of the nation.

“Some have asked why I chose not to hail Ghana but rather to write with a gloomy tone. The only thing that can move us out of this sordid patch is to realize how abysmal our state is then we take a step,” he said.

“Ghana doesn’t look its age. We are saddled with corruption, greed and high level of inferiority complex. Until we conquer these nemeses, we’ll be here in the next 40 years,” Kwame further noted.

As you join in the celebration of Ghana’s 60th anniversary, listen to this poem and think about its content.
